Write your own review

At BikesMedia we invite you to share your experiences with your dream bike!
Your words could help your fellow bike-lovers, looking to purchase their own dream machines, reach an informed decision.

Some of the points that you could cover in your review are as follows -

  1. What inspired you to buy a particular bike?
  2. What were the other bikes that you shortlisted before finally going for this particular bike?
  3. Did you face any difficulties in buying the bike?
  4. Your experience with the bike and the company/service staff before and after buying it.
  5. Do you have any regrets after purchasing the bike or have encountered any unexpected problems with it or the respective company?
  6. Write about the time that you spent with your bike e.g. your views on its mileage, handling, comfort and riding experience in city or long rides.
  7. Some beautiful photos of the bike (both with you and without you) will make the review more complete.

The above points are only meant to be a rough guide.
Feel free to write anything that you think would benefit your biker brethren.

So, what are you waiting for?

Compose your review