Bikers? Not all people are bikers you see. A guy with no helmet, riding gear and with no proper sense is not necessarily a biker. He is a person who can ‘balance a bike’. Indian Bike balancers are the best in the world. They will start moving 15 seconds before signal turns green. We do everything proactively you know. Zebra crossings are to stop your vehicles on and people are supposed to walk or run Zig-Zop so that they will get some physical exercise too. Indian are talented multitasking junkies.

Let’s come down to biking again. Bikes are just machines in India. They are used to attract chicks and they are used to get the thrill of riding like one Valentino Rossi. It’s always good to rev your bike’s guts out when you see girl. It’s the latest trend in the market. Following traffic rules is strictly prohibited. One who will be found doing the same, will be punished in many ways such as honking from behind and the likes.