The numbers that are being thrown out about the engine is of it being a 750cc inline twin with outputs of about 50 HP and 60 Nm of torque. The numbers might seem quite low compared to the competition out there, but since the images show of the engine being fit into the Continental GT café racer which is designed to house a single cylinder motor; it is proof of the engine being still in the development stages.

Our suggestion to RE would be that it is great that they are working on an inline twin but to keep their legacy alive and also develop with the moving times, a V-twin would make more sense which can be put on the legacy thumpers in the current line up as well. As for the inline twin, it is much more suited to a smooth, vibe free natured bikes and not thumpers. So if you plan for a street motorcycle or a sports tourer, in that case the inline twin would make for a more practical application like the Triumph Tigers. But for everyday use, a cruiser with a V-twin like the Harleys would make much sense and be practically feasible.

By: Pratik Patole