Florida based company- Screaming Banshee has introduced air horn specifically designed for two wheelers. Shockwave is the name of their new air horn made especially for motorcycles. The Shockwave is a very compact unit designed and developed by Screaming Banshee, the unit is capable of producing moderate 100 decibels to more than 123 decibels. The compact Shockwave air horn works on electronic circuit which is devoid of any relay and hence ensuring longer life of the unit, there is provision for a replaceable fuse present onboard. The entire circuitry is enclosed in the housing of the horn making it a compact unit; even the trumpet of the horn is also designed in a spiral manner to let it occupy minimum space.

The installation of the Shockwave Air Horn is pretty simply and can be done very easily, all it needs is a 12V battery of the motorcycle and it can be replaced with any of the stock horn. The horn is priced at $89 and it is being sold online via Kickstarter, the unit is already getting good response and the delivery is expected to be started from next month.
By: Farhan Kashif