The above words might feel harsh, but sadly it is the bitter truth. It is only a few days ago that government passed the law of making it mandatory for all two wheelers with 125cc and above capacity to have factory fitted ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) and CBS (Combined Braking System). As said before, this is something both the manufacturers and the customers should have provided and demanded respectively. But alas! The sad part of our country is that nothing is followed unless it is made into a law.
The road traffic has always been a menace in our country, and in case of motorcycles we have always been seeing accidents north of 1,35,000 every year. This is not a good thing to have on our record. And being a fellow biker I can easily make a guess that if this move was brought a couple of years ago when the technology was made available, this number would easily have had halved just like that. And this is just the number that is reported. Imagine how many other unreported cases must have happened.
The saddest part about this news is the timeliness of it coming into effect. It is a good move that this law is made and will be enforced, but the future tense is something to be tensed about. The law will be mandated starting April 2017. That is over a year and half from today. So do we have to go through 1,35,000 mishaps more till the law to come into effect?
If you ask me, the law has come a bit too late. This kind of law should have had been made effective a little earlier. That is enough time to acquire the required materials, make changes to the bikes and also work out the finances accordingly. And even on the government’s end, the law should have had been made and brought into effect a lot sooner than now so that a lot more lives could have had been saved till date.
As a fellow biker, I am definitely rejoicing at this move that is made, but looking at the big picture as a human being, I feel that the government is definitely at least a year late to bring the law out. Let’s hope the companies are working their asses out to work out on a cost effective and efficient ABS and CBS system to fit on their bikes.
By: Pratik Patole