1: New chain

2: Fat front forks

3: Fat rear tyre

4: New clipons

5: Disc brakes

Apart from these changes, a split seat and a new gear shifter are also present on the new iteration of the bike. Taking into account all the changes in the new P150, We can conclude that Bajaj is planning to scratch off the Pulsar 180. All of the changes on this bike basically makes it a Pulsar 180 cc, design-wise. It is the right move for Bajaj as due to increased competition, the Pulsar 180 struggles to sell while the Pulsar 150 still remains the most selling Pulsar. It is a treat for all those people who wanted the mileage of Pulsar 150 but preferred the design of Pulsar 180. The question remains “what will Bajaj bring in place of Pulsar 180?”, it seems that only time will tell.
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By: Yetnesh Dubey