Each Sunday, the majority of biking groups in the country embark on breakfast rides; if, during these rides, biking groups could spend a few more minutes of their time to help improve conditions for our nation and planet, i.e. by planting more saplings, visiting orphanages and donating school supplies, providing drinking water to the stray animals living in one's city, etc., our nation would slowly but surely become more progressive in terms of environmental conservation and overall standard of living. It is a small step, but a step forward nonetheless.
Gen Mohandas, a retired veteran who was also present at the Bikerhood Meet in Mumbai on September 6th, delivered an inspiring speech about the progress of the Bikerhood initiative, and of how the message for a noble cause has successfully traveled across states in order to rally the biking community to ride for a reason.

Facebook can be cumbersome and its open-to-all settings can oftentimes be a hindrance, and the Bikerhood stated that they would like to streamline all biking and ride related information in the Indian subcontinent onto one accessible platform. As each group uploads their own blog posts, a leaderboard in real time will update to reflect their efforts: for example, if a group of 10 riders plant 5 saplings each, every member that participated in this activity will receive 5 points per sapling. This will result in a total of 250 points.

The Bikerhood Tour will continue on to Vadodara (25/10), Hyderabad (01/11), Chennai (01/11), Bangalore (08/11), Cochin (08/11), Assam (15/11), and Pune (22/11). Its founders are enthusiastic and looking forward to the rest of the tour, and are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to spread more messages of positivity and humanity across the rest of the nation. Through this, they hope to create a positive image for bikers in India, and eventually the world.
By: Farhan Kashif