Suzuki has used the ongoing India Superbike Festival at Pune as a distinct platform to showcase both the ATVs. The smaller 250cc quad bike Ozark 250 is featured with 250cc 4-stroke engine with unique automatic clutch for versatile utility. The Ozark 250 is pitched in the market as leisure ATV, which can be used for fun rides and occasional serious off roading activities. Suzuki has given stress on the low maintenance design and the practical feature on the Ozark 250, the ATV is also featured with modern style looks complementing the image of powerful Suzuki superbikes. The Quadsport Z400- is the powerful ATV, ideal for power sport and serious off roading. The Z400 is equipped with specially designed sporty chassis to withstand the hardships of dirt tracks and other off roads. The powerful engine of Z400 is tuned for high torque performance and the fuel injection system guarantees the smooth power output.
Initially Suzuki India will sell the ATVs through their authorized dealers in seven major cities across the country- Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Kolkata, Jodhpur and Hyderabad. The Ozark 250 will be available at a price tag of Rs 5,45,000 (Ex- Showroom, Delhi) and the Quadsport Z400 costs Rs 8,50,000 (Ex- Showroom, Delhi).
By: Farhan Kashif